Welcome to the creative small business journal!
Developed by the Company of Collaborative Artists (CoCA) in honor of the many creative and interdisciplinary businesses, collaborations, and networks that have been formed throughout our inaugural season! This virtual journal is to celebrate, promote, and unite a growing movement of support for small businesses, independent contractors, freelancers, and service providers in creative sectors. The Creative Business Journal is a trusted online social directory that features creatives by their service industry, category, location and more!
Indicates CoCA company member & collaborators
Crossroads Theater Company
New Brunswick, NJ
Professional Theatre Company in New Brunswick
Phone: (732) 545-8100
IG: @crossroadstheatrecompany
Birthing Reclaimed
Lauren Michele
Assisting in reclaiming the sanctity of your birth journey through holistic birth & postpartum doula.
Email: birthingreclaimed@gmail.com
Phone: NA
IG: @birthingreclaimed
The Integrated Dance Collaboratory
Jeff Friedman, Director
The Integrated Dance Collaboratory offers academic and community-based dance educational about dance and disability. We also present a variety of performances and workshops on dance and disability.
Email: jfdance@mgsa.rutgers.edu
Phone: (732) 742-7137
IG: Coming Soon
Anysia Kelly
Personal Training sessions located at Fox Box Gym (virtual options available)
Email: anysia.b@gmail.com
Phone: NA
IG: a.brittany_
Dominique Adams
D'Klashae is a business professional clothing boutique for the everyday business woman with the purpose of becoming her own CEO.
Email: dklashae1@gmail.com
Phone: (267) 334-1646
IG: @dklashae.co
BlackSeeds Apparel
Eddie Mickler
Apparel company based in Atlantic City, New Jersey
Email: Blackseed.s.e@gmail.com
Phone: (609) 300-6280
Fall Into Art, Inc.
Damani Van Rensalier
We are a Paterson based arts organization working to promote creativity and unity.
Email: info@fallintoartnj.org
Phone: (862) 823-1680
IG: @fallintoart
Facebook: facebook.com/fallintoart
Jeanel LeBlanc
GodxMusic is an apparel and accessories line for people who want to express their love for both God and music.
Email: Godxmusicclothing@gmail.com
Phone: (732) 470-0773
New Brunswick Performing Arts Center
Performing arts center transforming New Brunswick's Downtown Cultural Arts District
Email: info@nbpac.org
Phone: (732) 745-8000
IG: @nbpac
Julia Discenza Photographay
Julia Discenza
NYC photographer, filmmaker and dancer
Email: discenzajulia@gmail.com
Phone: NA
IG: jdisc.mov
K.Skye Salson
Belinda Flemming
Exceptional Hair Salon located in Somerset, New Jersey
Email: Info@kskyesalon.com
Phone: (732) 867-9962
Made by Mo, LLC.
Monique Travis
Offering Measurements, Teaching, Light Tailoring, and Consultation
Email: Madebymo.sew@gmail.com
Phone: (732) 991-9527
IG: @made_bymo
John Evans Photography
John Evans
ance photographer, filmmaker, choreographer, potter.
Phone: (732) 887-8264
Danielle Davis
Dancer|Archivist|Social Media Marketing|Author
CoCA apprentice, archivist and social media/marketing associate currently working at the Brooklyn-based dance company, Urban Bush Women; and Young Adult author who specializes in science fiction and fantasy. Currently represented by Dorian Maffei at Kimberly Cameron and Associates.
Email: DanielleMarie724@outlook.com
Phone: (913) 406-8320
IG: @daniellem_davis_
Laura de la Garza Noble
Dancer, Choreographer, Educator, Fitness Instructor
Laura combines her knowledge of varying practices to create a unique movement voice that influences all of her work
Phone: (617) 785-7662
IG: @lauradelagarzanoble, YouTube: Laura de la Garza Noble
A-Signature LLC
Ashley Blount
We are a professional and diverse specialty company that manages the development of projects, plans and coordinates weddings & events and organizes local & abroad, solo & group travel.
Email: invigorate@a-signature.com
Phone: (202) 729-3511
IG: @a_signature_llc
LeBlanc Music
Jeanel LeBlanc
I am a certified music educator and professional singer who loves to help musicians better their craft and help singers find their voice.